Ep. 13 What is Professionalism in Podcasting?


Professionalism… Why does that seem like such a loaded word? Is it universally felt or is it just us? 

Broken down into its simplest terms, the definition of professionalism in the dictionary is simply “the competence or skill expected of a professional.”

But how society and culture defines professionalism is so much more than that! 

It encompasses personality, behavior, appearance, language, personal style, background, and more with judgements on top of each layer.

It seems like no one can really agree on what it means.

Then there’s the whole matter of being perceived as professional, which isn’t quite the same thing.

As online business owners, we’re used to filling gaps and taking the lead, so we’re defining this concept for our own internal compass. We’ll share how we each view professionalism, in its most essential terms. 

We also want to ask you, dear listeners, how you define professionalism in your own business? Where does the PERCEPTION of being professional come in? And how does that definition carry into your (current or future) podcasting goals?

Join us for this conversation about professionalism in podcasting and learn:

  • How to think of professionalism outside what we’ve been given

  • The importance of creating your own definition of your purpose as a professional

  • Professionalism as podcasters - is it different?

  • Using ‘best practices’ to your benefit versus getting trapped in a box

  • How to stop using professionalism as a weapon against yourself 

Want to be the podcaster who sounds amazing while making your unique voice heard? Connect with Carin to explore your options as a podcast maker with her support on sound quality and brand identity.

Want to free yourself from the weight of content writing so you can be in your zone of genius? Connect with Kacey to learn how she can make the most of your voice by repurposing your podcast content as blogs, emails, social media captions, and more.


Ep. 12 Normalizing the Fear of Making Mistakes