Ep. 12 Normalizing the Fear of Making Mistakes

If the thought of making a mistake in your business or during a podcast makes your stomach drop, your heart race, or your palms sweat… consider this our love letter to you

Yes, the fear of making mistakes can be crippling and put us into a freeze state… but mistakes are a normal part of the process. 

Anyone who tells you otherwise (or acts like they’ve got it all figured out) isn’t being honest.

Sometimes mistakes can show us how far we’ve come, or help us see aspects of our growth we hadn’t realized yet. With a healthy sense of detachment, we can learn from our mistakes – but that detachment has to come from a stable place, not a spiritually-bypassy one. 

Our aim with this episode is to normalize the fear of making mistakes, because ew, who wants to screw up? Especially when it’s our livelihood we’re talking about. It seems silly to spend all our energy fighting off fear when it’s a totally normal, totally human thing to feel.

It’s okay to be afraid of making a mistake. What’s not okay is when it stops us from creating, expressing, and doing the work we find most meaningful. No, it’s not a ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’ kind of episode.

It’s a feel-the-fear-and-get-regulated kind of episode. 

We’re sharing:

  • Some of our most cringey professional mistakes in recent memory

  • How we recovered, and what we did to repair client relationships

  • Different perspectives of mistakes that aren’t spiritually bypass-y

  • Was it a mistake, or was it just uncomfortable?

  • The advantages of being less precious with our work

PodMakers is brought to you by two online business-owning women who show up as humanly as possible to serve podcasters and podcast guests. If PodMakers has helped you in any way, we would SO greatly appreciate a 5-star rating and quick review of what you’ve enjoyed! It helps us know what to make more of AND helps this show reach more listeners like you. Thank you. 


Ep. 13 What is Professionalism in Podcasting?


Ep. 11 Podcasting is (and isn’t) EAsy