Everyone’s winging it
If there’s something I could get tattooed on my brain it would be 1) that I’m enough and completely unrelated (joke) 2) a reminder that everyone’s winging it.
I’m not failing. I’m not behind. I’m not trying to figure out everything that everyone else just knows.
Everyone else doesn’t come with their how-to-do-life-and-biz baked-in. I didn’t hop off the production line incomplete, missing this piece.
It turns out… we’re all winging it here.
Can I tell you something resetting and maybe a little annoying?
We don’t REALLY know what we’re all doing here and what we’re supposed to do about it.
We have some theories and some of us go all-in on those theories…
Simulation theory, anyone? ;)
but we don’t really KNOW for sure.
So we wing it.
We do the best we can.
We’re given some scaffoldings for understanding and we build some of our own structures too.
And we try.
We try to be good, kind, loving humans leaving this world better than we found it.
I promise you, we’re all winging it.
So today… tomorrow… next week, when that ‘not enough’ voice lobs you a “why are you not getting this?” Or “why can’t you just do that? That person can?”
Lob back… I may just be a Sim person on Carin’s 1999 Dell Computer… give a chuckle and get back to it.
Get back to creating the life you want. The life that leaves you fulfilled at the end of every day. The work and tasks that help you let out a deep exhalation of pride and satisfaction at the end of your day.
Get back to creating your wild and wonderful mark in this world—while you wing it. I’ll keep winging it too.
And goodness gracious… I hope you’re not my Sim person… while you would have a hot tub in your kitchen, you’d likely just run into walls or try to find the edge of the game all day… Woof.
If a podcast is part of your wild and wonderful offering to the world (or if you want to find out if it could be) book a discovery call with me.
Through a 1-hour, free discovery call I’m able to use all of my 5 years of being in the industry as a creator, producer, editor, and consumer to help you:
*create or reset your vision for podcasting
*define your podcast goals and intentions
*and feel energized in whether or not a podcast is for you and where you’re going next