Ep. 6 Why Podcast Guesting?

Maybe it’s just us (it’s not), but podcast guesting seems to be having A Moment.

It’s because as this medium has evolved and gained popularity, we’re realizing the power of podcasts for growing our online businesses. Kacey even shifted the whole foundation of her business to support podcasters and guests.

But… Why should you care? Because if you’re an online service provider, the probability that your potential clients are listening to podcasts is HIGH.

Compared to social media – where users typically show up to be entertained or zone out – podcast listeners are eager to learn and find solutions to their problems. Plus, podcast listeners are 45% more likely than the rest of the population to have a household income of over $250k.

With that information in mind, Dear Listener, it can only be a benefit to your business to get yourself in front of those potential clients by positioning yourself as a knowledgeable podcast guest where they’re already listening. 

In fact, as much as we love having a podcast, it’s not for everyone. If you’ve been hesitant to start a show of your own but you still want to tap into the business marketing potential of pods, maybe podcast guesting is your sweet spot.

In this episode of PodMakers, you’ll learn more about:

- How to make the popularity of podcasting work for you

- How podcast guesting could be effective for your business

- What to consider about you and your biz before making the leap into guesting

- Why being a podcast guest builds your credibility

- Ways to prepare for more visibility in your biz


Heal + GO PUBLIC Episode 70: Going Public and Being a Great Guest w Podcast Guest Pitching Expert Kacey Hayes

Carin Huebner’s website to connect about podcast production + urban farming

Kacey Hayes’ website to connect about podcast guesting, pod blogs + dog mom life


Ep. 7 Setting Boundaries in Business When You Are the Business


Ep. 5 PIvoting as Creatives in Business