Ep. 80 Healing is Creating + Creating is Healing w/ Ann Diment, EFT Practitioner + Resilience Coach
When you’re a creative or artist, healing and creating are one and the same. Today, my guest, Ann Diment, and I are talking about healing with trauma from childhood and creating in order to access deeper levels of healing. We also chat about EFT and tapping in order to access enough safety to do the work in order to create.
We also discuss:
Being a change maker
Using art to heal and healing to make art
Art as something to turn to to process emotions
Healing from perfectionism through creating
Tapping + breathing to grow in safety to access healing and creating
Thanks for listening!
Connect with Ann:
i: https://www.instagram.com/anndimentartist/
w: https://worksafeandwell.co.uk/turning-the-tables-on-burnout-book/
fb: https://www.facebook.com/anndimentartist/
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