How to Hang a $40k Painting
Have you ever been asked to hang a $40,000 painting in the foyer of a gallery about 13 feet up?
I have.
Have you ever been the one that’s supposed to put your hands on a $40,000 painting? HAHA.
I was young. I was a student and the Assistant to the Director of the gallery. And I was terrified.
So terrified, in fact, that I said “No feckin’ way.”
I straight up told my boss that I was NOT comfortable even being near a painting of that worth and nervously gave a big, fat NO.
She totally understood.
She didn’t want someone unsure about the install doing the install, but she had to scramble to find someone that used to have my job to do it, and pay them when she was already paying me.
Cue the shame spiral for this one.
I felt like I couldn’t do my job… I felt like I failed my gallerist.
And you know what I’ve learned since then?
Being asked to not only handle, but hang a 40k piece of art in the middle of a 20 foot wall is a big deal. It’s a big ask.
And also… paintings of that worth are insured.
But there’s a bigger lesson here…
I would ecstatically say, “YES!” today. I’d say, “bring it on.”
Then I’d YouTube the garbage out of installing artwork and the specific mount or hardware this piece used.
I’d make sure to meet the artist when they came in and make sure my name came back out of their mouth.
I’d glow with pride after the drywall was vacuumed up and all the tools were put away and the piece was safely hanging in all its 40k glory.
When I was in college and the Assistant to the Director of this gallery… I was debilitated by anxiety because of trying to stay in the boxes I was given (ie: perfection).
I had been indoctrinated to NEVER get out of line or make a mistake.
I had been conditioned to definitely NEVER make a $40k mistake.
AND that if I did make a mistake, especially a $40k mistake… it was my fault because I could have foreseen the circumstances or done something differently to not facilitate the mistake.
I also had my own worth attached to whether or not I made a mistake.
If I made a mistake… I was a worm… I didn’t deserve to be here. (Oh, hey, Depression!)
I was using every circumstance and experience to prove whether or not I should be here… whether or not I was worthy of being here.
You know what changed?
Doing the work.
The internal work.
The impossible, painful, terrifying work of befriending my shadows…
Mostly by building a business and a lot of work with care providers.
Why would I say “YES!” to hanging that work today?
What REALLY changed?
I trust myself now.
I know that I am trustworthy because I’ve seen that I am trustworthy.
I know that I am responsible because I’ve seen that I am responsible.
I trust that if I accidentally destroyed a 40k painting, it would be because it was just that… an accident.
And that I would take as much responsibility as was appropriate and no. more.
That it would be tragic, and also… insurance would take care of it.
That I could cry and feel disappointed AND…
Nothing about me: who and how I am, would have anything to do with that outcome.
I built a business that pays my bills and helps get to my dreams.
I built a business around a skill (that I essentially taught myself) and it’s made financial things possible for me that, as an artist, I never knew were possible.
I’ve also birthed a child.
I know what it’s like to be at the very edge of yourself
At the absolute precipice of the pain that lets life explode out
And still be the me that I know.
I know what it’s like to create from nothing.
Today… I could hang a $40k painting and save my gallerist some time and energy.
I could be super proud as I showed the artist their beautiful/powerful work in our gallery.
Today… dare I say it… so much is possible for me…
Because I’ve done it before.
… and there’s YouTube.
What was your $40k painting?
What used to be a big fat NO from you, but is feeling more possible than ever?
What are you dreaming and scheming?
If it’s a creative project involving audio or video… I want you you in my office.
Let’s get a discovery call on the calendar.
Be well, and get your $40k painting up on that wall, my pals.